Fighting Gum Disease with Arestin
What Is Arestin?
Arestin is a topical antibiotic that treats the bacteria that cause gum disease. It is made up of a powder with thousands of tiny microspheres. They are tiny bead-like particles that are smaller than grains of sand and not visible to the naked eye. These microspheres release antibiotics over long periods of time into the pockets where bacteria are breeding. This allows your gums to heal better.
Why Would Dr. Martino Use Arestin In Your Treatment?
If you’re diagnosed with periodontis, AKA, gum disease Dr. Martino may recommend Arestin in your treatment. Gum disease is caused by microbial plaque that colonize on the your tooth’s surface and below the gum line. This bacteria will break down the tissue and the bone supporting your teeth. If it’s left untreated your gums can become enflamed and the tissues and bone that hold your teeth up can begin to deteriorate. Your gums can become separated from your teeth. This can create pockets that become a breeding ground for more bacteria. Dr. Martino would use Arestin to help fight gum disease after a periodontal procedure. This is also know as a scaling and root planing procedure.
What Is Scaling and Root Planing?
This is a non-surgical procedure where Dr. Martino would deep clean above and below your gum line. This will remove plaque that has built up on your teeth.
To schedule a consultation, or if you have any questions regarding scaling and root planing or Arestin; give us a call at (732) 382-8280 or send us a email.